Once I loaded up RDR2 for myself, it did seem possible. The incident at Blackwater resulted in the direct death of two gang members, Jenny Kirk and Davey Callander, after they were shot. Banks are a central institution in virtually all communities of the American west at the time of the Red Dead series. It's a starting amount so make sure to find ways to start earning money again in the game. Collectibles. After 'Red Dead Redemption 2' ends and the credits have rolled after the Epilogues, there's still plenty to do, including the return of The Strange Man and new towns to explore. Share? The West Elizabeth-based town serves as a critical story location in the first game and reprises that role in the prequel. Xbox Series X Review: Super Fast and Super Familiar. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Update: The Red Dead Online update on July 28th changed all Madam Nazar items that require a shovel - instead of fixed items, the item will be a random one from the set! Maybe find some new treasure maps because the treasure hunts I’ve gone on (high stakes and hill gang [iirc] ) have been some of the most memorable gameplay moments I’ve had in a while. Option #1 - Return for the money. Sean Boehme is a freelance writer and aspiring fiction author from Queens, New York. Authorities believe that the men must have stashed the cash in Blackwater before fleeing, and the town remains on high alert. Press J to jump to the feed. If John causes trouble while near the town of Blackwater in RDR2, and he decides to surrender to … John himself gets roughly $20,000 (don’t know if my memory is correct) and that’s split with Charles and Sadie, so yeah. Over the period of 8 years, which is the time between the end of chapter 6 and the end of the epilogue, half of it was spent. Its supposed to be a lot of money. By using a time stop method in "Chapter 4, Banking, the Old American Art", you can go to Blackwater with no Wanted Level, so you can see if the money is still there. A one-stop shop for all things video games. RDR2.org is your #1 source for all things related to Red Dead Redemption 2. It also resulted in the capture of a third member, Mac Callander, who was later killed by the Pinkertons. A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. From evil caves to UFO's to the Strange Man's cabin, we're exploring a few hidden areas of Red Dead Redemption 2 … Banks were used to safe-keep the wealth of the settlement they were located in. Because of this, large amounts of gold and cash were stored in the banks of the west - making them a prized goal of many outlaw groups. During “American Venom”, John finds a chest that Dutch leaves him with that’s assumed to have the Blackwater money. I got the bank loan and purchased the property near blackwater. Show All Hide All Interiors. John and Sadie will open a chest, claiming a fortune in gold and money. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As the gang fought to make its escape, multiple members of the group were injured, including both Sean McGuire and John Marston. Then when you finish the game playing as John Marston at Pronghorn Ranch in Epilogue 1, simply go back to the Aberdeen Pig Farm and look behind the Momma picture frame painting. Red Dead Redemption 2's Blackwater Mission Explained: What Really Happened? If you didn't get all of the satchel upgrades and clothing as Arthur Morgan in RDR2, you should definitely do so after completing the game.Fashion and cosmetics are one of the most fun qualities of just about any open-world or RPG game, and RDR2 is no different.. Everyone has their own version of John Marston/Arthur Morgan, and you should definitely feel free to catch your own. So before you finish the mission "Red Dead Redemption," you might as well spend that saved cash. I've been broke ever since the epilogue started because my money that I had on Arthur did not carry over. Blackwater was visible in the southwest corner of the map, when previously it was the most northeast spot in the RDR1 map. The game's vast and atmospheric world also provides the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. If you look in Arthur’s journal in the epilogue this is replaced by a ledger. Kill subsequent lawmen and head to the marker. Players learn that, in the heat of the fight, Dutch killed an innocent woman, something players later realize is not out of character for Dutch. Traveling with gang members - how to? Trelwany is always outside the camp and wasn't in the Blackwater heist. The bank moved the money out by boat after a string of stagecoach robberies in the area. While the results of the mission included three members of the gang dead, as well as the beginning of Dutch's spiral, it did allow for something positive. Red Dead Redemption 2 In-Game Photos by the RDR2 Community. I’m pretty sure the epilogue money is the blackwater money. Epilogue 2 Mission: American Venom Arthur's wallet of money is also cleared out, but John receives $20,000, which is more than enough to buy anything. Considering the gang was forced to flee into the mountains after the failure, Blackwater could also be credited with causing the gang to meet Sadie Adler, who subsequently became a key member of the group. According to Javier Escuella, the heist got off t… It’s kind of sweet that Dutch took a young Arthur in, isn’t it? Bounty Poster 0. Next: RDR2: What Arthur Morgan's Bounty Was (& What It Would Equal Today). John will receive $ 20,000 when completing the final mission of Epilogue 2. It’s a LOT of money. Keep it spoiler free people, this isn’t about the epilogue at all. When players first begin their journey in Red Dead Redemption 2 they find Arthur, along with the rest of the Van der Linde gang, fighting for survival in the snowy mountains of Ambarino. Over the course of Red Dead Redemption 2, players have a chance to learn about what really happened when the Van der Linde gang went into Blackwater. Despite the absence of two senior members of the gang, Arthur Morgan and Hosea Matthews, who had their own lead, the remainder of the outlaw gang proceeded with the robbery. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. You'll be searching for Dutch and Micah. Of course, just like most of the Blackwater event, Red Dead Redemption 2 does not provide enough details for the player to say for sure if Micah was involved. Keep me updated! Fans of the original Red Dead Redemption likely recognize Blackwater's name when it's first mentioned in RDR2's first chapter. Micah was the one pressing for the raid on the ferry. Because Arthur was not present for Blackwater, players never get to experience what actually happened directly before the events of Red Dead Redemption 2. Despite the gang's top gun, Arthur, being preoccupied with other business, Micah Bell was able to pressure Dutch until the group went through with the plan. That concludes Red Dead Redemption 2 … My mission tonight is to get the blackwater money (if possible) and Dutch’s money. RDR2: Red Dead Redemption ... You can help John escape or return for the money. Dutch van der Linde saw an opportunity and decided to rob the boat. Based on how you wrote your question, I'm assuming you're still in the early or middle stages of the game. Dreamcatcher 0. Let me know how it goes, last time i was round blackwater, their were agents everywhere, was fighting my way through one group to the next, till i eventually got gunned down by some dudes with some next level guns, had to leave after i ran into them a few more times. From what the game informs the player, the Van der Linde gang planned to rob a ferry that was carrying a large sum of money to the port town. A subreddit for Rockstar's critically acclaimed open-world Western game Red Dead Redemption, its prequel Red Dead Redemption 2, and its online multiplayer Red Dead Online. ... Blackwater - can you enter? Journal contains map of Blackwater Money Location ($ Sign) in Red Dead Redemption 2. He loves video games as well as Dungeons and Dragons, where he plays as a very grumpy goblin. Trelwany might help. 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All photographs are taken from various social media sites including Rockstar Games Social Club and Twitter.. We will pick some of our favourites but you can also submit yours to be checked by adding #RedDeadBase or #RDB to your image hashtags on Twitter … Meanwhile, Hosea, Arthur and Charles were scouting another easier score in Blackwater involving a real estate scam. 10 Hidden Areas You Didn’t Know Existed In Red Dead Redemption 2. If you love edepot videos, consider being a member: In Red Dead Redemption 2's ending, John Marston splits the $150,000 of Blackwater money with Sadie and Charles, allowing all three characters to move on from their outlaw ways and begin to live a normal life. Search. Just be patient and play. If it’s possible to get it, I’m headed there now. After the mission is over, you’ll be awarded an astonishing $20,000 as your cut. According to accounts of the incident, the ferry was carrying $150,000 of bank money. SPOILERS Did you get the blackwater money. John and Sadie take the Blackwater money and leave. Despite the fact that John Marston and his family have been all over Red Dead Redemption 2's world, and despite the fact that John has done business in Blackwater and built a home right outside the town, the Pinkertons are never able to find him. You don't trust newcomers just like that no matter what they've done. He was also encouraged to pursue it by Micah Bell. Related: Why Red Dead Redemption 3 Is Almost A Certainty. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America’s unforgiving heartland. Not to mention our comprehensive cheat codes section. MacGuire was also captured, which is what led to the Chapter 2 mission "The First Shall Be The Last," in which Arthur and the gang rescue him. Other trustworthy bandits. I read that once you got the loan you're supposed to have $20,000 but I do not have that. This is one of the largest robberies in recent years, and that's basically where it cuts off, and you can't read the rest. You should see a button option to show or hide the gang money locations. X. The mission reportedly got off to a good start, but it was not long until the entire gang was swarmed by Pinkertons. The story ends with John’s return to the ranch, where Abigail, Jack, and Uncle are waiting. As far as how the Blackwater mission went wrong, Dutch implies in "Outlaws from the West" that the Pinkertons must have known they were coming. The money from Blackwater, which I think was around 5000 or so, is automatically given to you after the epilogue, along with all the other cuts and shares that you've accumulated from doing gang heists throughout the story. While the storyline indicates that John has turned to an honest life, that does not have to stop the player from continuing to commit crimes and draw the ire of the law. Eventually, you'll reach the cave where the cash is hidden. Unfortunately, Sean is also a dedicated New York sports fan. Photographs snapped in the world of Red Dead Redemption by community members. While it quickly becomes clear the gang is on the run thanks to an incident called "Blackwater," the game takes its time filling in the details. I don’t know if … Even though players are never given a complete story of what happened at Blackwater, various missions and dialogue during Red Dead Redemption 2's storyline allow players to piece most of the incident together. Video walkthrough on Playstation 4 Pro version of Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). Abigail just finished leaving. I'm currently in the epilogue. Sean can be contacted at his Twitter profile @Seanboehme. Follow. Get some outside sources. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the reddeadredemption community. In Red Dead Redemption 2's ending, John Marston splits the $150,000 of Blackwater money with Sadie and Charles, allowing all three characters to move on from their outlaw ways and begin to live a normal life. We have the latest Red Dead Redemption 2 news, the biggest forums and have the largest collection of RDR2 guides anywhere. With nowhere to go, a 15-year-old Arthur found a home… The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. I don't want to spoil the story for you, so all I can say is that the game will drive you to points where you'll have to go to Blackwater multiple times and that the money that they have stashed on Blackwater will be addressed by the gang at some point. John Marston 2 years ago Let me know how it goes, last time i was round blackwater, their were agents everywhere, was fighting my way through one group to the next, till i eventually got gunned down by some dudes with some next level guns, had to leave after i ran into them a few more times. Interactive Map of all RDR2 Locations. Cigarette Card 0. For everyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about, open Arthur’s Journal, go to the first page, it should be a map of blackwater.