It can be a maneuver element by itself or it can form a base of fire to assist other squads within the platoon/company. Second, the Infantryman must be adept at being able to carry on his back his sustainment needs. in history. Spiral 3 is envisioned to see a fully resourced, all-arms team equipped, purpose-built and structured Canadian Army Light Force. However, it will not take long for the 2LT to become a seasoned platoon leader. Obviously, that is a big part of the equation, but there are other important factors. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI, generally referred to as the Patricia's) is one of the three Regular Force infantry regiments of the Canadian Army of the Canadian Armed Forces. Second, the interval between Soldiers begins at about 10 meters. It is these skills which set the foundation for small unit maneuver. Rifleman — The cornerstone of the Fire Team is the individual rifleman. Before we begin with the organization, let’s highlight the cornerstone of any infantry unit – the individual Infantryman. The FO comes from the Field Artillery units which support the Brigade/Battalion which the platoon is part of. The platoon headquarters obviously, provides the command and control for the platoon. Second, although firepower is strong at the flanks; it is minimal to the front and rear. It does little to maneuver to gain an advantage over your enemy and then, when it comes times to place effective fire upon him – it doesn’t happen. Shoot – Maneuver and shoot, they go hand in hand. The platoon leader coordinates with these teams to ensure a mutual understanding of the mission exists. Let’s address each and provide a diagram of the formation. The Platoon Leader has many critical duties. Ensures platoon has the required medical supplies needed for every mission. When utilizing the file, you are of course, giving up other things. First of all, the wedge can be oriented to the left or the right. It is not intended to be a stand-alone publication. Second in command of the platoon. Tired of collecting a library of military manuals just to teach light infantry patrolling tactics? Can you comment on the organization of the Army’s Light Infantry Platoon during the Vietnam conflict? The Platoon Leader keeps his RTO and FO with him at all times. Let’s discuss each below. In order to carry the required days of supply (DOS), a number of ATVs, 4×4 vehicles and trucks, will support the battalion’s infantry … Both of the machine gunners will be assisted by a Private First Class. Ensure Platoon Leader has communications with his company commander at all times (challenging). This includes the wear and tear on his physical body and the incredible amount of stress that is placed on him mentally. The Vee is a challenge to command and control and it possesses a slow rate of travel. Trains members of the platoon to be combat lifesavers. They have no comforts, and they even learn to live without the necessities; and, in the end, they are the guys that wars can’t be won without.”. Maneuver his squads and synchronize their fire and maneuver. Looking even further down the line, we will focus on the light infantry company and battalion. Light Infantry battalions – 560 1 Specialised Infantry Battalions – 267 At one end of the spectrum, Armoured Infantry battalions are well-resourced with 732 soldiers, while Specialised Infantry battalions have just 267, but this is for training and mentoring roles, rather than high-intensity combat. Do what they do! It will have two M240 type machine guns and two anti-tank missile systems (normally a Javelin). This article originally appeared in the Chief of Staff, Army Strategy Newsletter, December 2016. It provides techniques for employment of Infantry platoons and squads in conducting decisive actions. FIRST IHAVE PARTICIPATED VERY GOOD ARTICLE ON INFANTRY Assumes the role of platoon leader if required. The column is the primary formation of the squad. If the Platoon Leader has excellent intelligence on the enemy and anticipates contact to his front early in the mission; he will likely utilize this formation. He will focus his attention on point targets (individual). Treats casualties and assists in the evacuation of casualties if required. The training circular (TC) is a tool that platoon leaders can use as an aid during training strategy development. Let’s discuss each below: Team Leader – A young Sergeant will usually head up the Team. The disadvantage here is that you do not have these systems dispersed throughout the platoon formation. With the squad broken up, these key weapon systems can be attached to the rifle squads and placed throughout the formation. However, when it is all said and done; there are five skills that are paramount to the success of the Infantryman and subsequently, to the unit he is part of. Of course, the huge advantage in this is that the squad can produce impressive fire power in one location. These included its’ organization, how it maneuvers (formations and techniques), the challenges it faces during maneuver, and how it fights in offensive and defensive operations. As the name suggests, the weapons squad can be an extremely lethal unit on the battlefield. The entire weapons squad and platoon command group are positioned right in the middle of the formation. Commissioned as an infantryman in 2013, he has served in both Stryker and infantry brigade combat team formations as a rifle platoon leader, company executive officer, and scout platoon … 1 Mech Recon Platoon 1 Mortar Platoon: 6 M106 c. Light Infantry: HQ Section: 3 HMMWV, Battalion Commander, XO, CSM, + drivers HQ Company: 8 HMMWV, 6 Medic HMMWV + crews 3 Light Infantry Companies 1 Anti-Tank Company: 12 HMMWV with TOW 1 Light Recon Platoon 1 Mortar Platoon: 4 81mm mortars, 5 HMMWV, + crews d. The weapons squad is kept together under the watch of its squad leader. To achieve this, he is equipped with an M203 or M320 grenade launcher. First, it provides all-around security for the Fire Team. As with most things tactics related, the formation utilized is METT-TC (Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civil Considerations). He has done it all and seen it all. Besides the straight infantry squad, a platoon will also normally be equipped with a weapons squad. These units, however, are not currently designed, equipped, nor purpose-built to deliver this capability. The Organization of a Light Infantry Platoon. This month’s article clearly sets the condition for future articles. First, and most obvious, is the Infantryman’s ability to survive with his enemy. As the grenadier, he provides indirect fire support for the fire team. Key characteristics of Lt Forces development are: a purpose-built, scalable and agile organization; the capability to generate fighting power without dependency on armoured fighting vehicles; increased strategic and operational responsiveness; and a force structure that ensures the tactical mobility required to operate in selected unique environments. Develop and maintain an understanding of the terrain, the enemy and the friendly situation. It is also quite likely that the Platoon Leader will be close by to make any decisions in regards to their use. Second, we will lay out the formations a light infantry platoon utilizes. infantry platoon will frequently be required to provide security for the antiarmor section. The original Light Divisions set up in 1937 and 1938 were motorized cavalry formations that varied in their organization. This skill certainly ties in directly with all the other skills. The engineer platoon of headquarters company is armed with seven submachine guns and three light machine guns in addition to rifles and pistols. This will include Platoon Sergeant, Medic, FSO and any attachments he may receive. Well, the Platoon leader still has confidence that he will receive enemy contact to his front. Additionally, the Squad Leader does not have as much flexibility to maneuver as he does in the column. Ammunition, food, parts, and of course water are necessities. This can expand and may be extended even to eye shot. Why column instead of line? This could include company mortars, battalion mortars, field artillery tubes, close air support, and even fast movers. In addition to the modified rifle company structure, the Initiating Implementation Directive will task Chief of Staff Army Reserve to lead a detailed analysis on the potential for mission tasking units to generate individual augmentation, formed sub-sub unit augmentation and specific capability augmentation (such as mortar groups). To meet today’s security threat, the Light Forces will be postured to provide enhanced readiness and responsiveness to the CAF and to the government in the form of a capability that will sit between the highly responsive Special Operations Forces that can but should not be used for less than high risk complex tasks, and medium forces which require several months to deploy. As we have stressed throughout the series, in tactical operations; all things must be executed tactically. Third, it affords the Squad Leader the most flexibility in maneuver. For light role battalions the ISTR company with the recon platoon, assault pioneers, sniper platoon, and hopefully a uav plankton. If enemy contact is extremely unlikely and weather, light and terrain are poor this is clearly feasible. First, and foremost he is responsible for everything that occurs in the platoon. There are many variants to this organization. Assist the platoon leader in his understanding of what is occurring within his squads. First, it can produce good firepower to the front and the flanks. Lt Forces are conventional forces. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the indirect fire assets available within his higher headquarters. There is truly an art to packing the rucksack! Remember “Do as I Do”. He will be equipped with a rifle (M16/M4 etc…). Each detachment was commanded by a Sergeant and provided with a 15-cwt truck to transport mortar and ammunition, while the crew had to march. Make Calls for Fire and adjust those fires if required. There are some disadvantages in this. The one downside is that its security and firepower to the front and rear is not as good as some of the other formations. Below are some of the critical tasks a Medic performs: Just as we discussed in organization, there are building blocks in maneuver. A seasoned Staff Sergeant will lead this unit. No matter the case, you want each member of the fire team to be able to see the Fire Team Leader at all times. The assistants will also carry extra anti-tank rounds. When intelligence is not solid, but the Platoon Leader believes he will receive contact to his front; he may select the Vee. As the diagram highlights, the basic light infantry platoon is composed of three rifle squads, a weapons squad and a headquarters element. This includes making sure they are secure communications (if the technology is utilized). Consequently, we must address this as maneuver. These are a little better command and control, a faster rate of travel and better security and firepower to the flanks and rear. “I love the infantry, because they are the underdogs. The term assault platoon should be changed to mirror that of the proposed change for the company — motorized Infantry platoon. With four systems, there are several options here. This is especially critical between a medic and the Soldiers in the platoon. Let’s discuss these critical skills below: Maneuver – Perhaps, you have heard this called move, but this just doesn’t do this skill the importance it requires. The Platoon Sergeant keeps the Medic with him to control his actions. Both the Platoon Leader and Sergeant are forward. In our initial article in this mini-series, we will dissect the light infantry platoon as it pertains to conventional operations. As you will see in the other formations; there are some potential holes in their security. Consequently, the Infantryman must know the strengths and weaknesses of his weapons and their ammunition and again, a complete understanding of the terrain he is operating in (jungle, urban, desert, etc…). However, in reality sustaining the Infantryman in combat is a difficult challenge. The current plans for augmentation include: Spiral 2 will focus on integration of enabling capabilities, including consideration of the Lt Forces Enhancement Project (LFEP), which will drive future equipment procurement. Following that, we will discuss the platoon itself. First, the Infantryman must be a master of the communication equipment he utilizes. Often collocated with the infantry platoon. They form the backbone of any Jovian task force as they’re well equipped for nearly any mission. Jovian light infantry are heavily armored, tough, well trained, and well armed. These include things such as selecting the right ammunition, not expending too much ammunition, inflicting collateral damage, etc…. These are the wedge and the file. We will provide a fairly typical US Army organization that was highly successful over the years! Many new battalions, technically of the Regular Army, were formed as part of Secretary of State for War Lord Kitchener's appeal for an initial 100,000 men volunteers in August 1914, referred to as the New Army or Kitchener's Army. It fights as a team and is the key maneuver unit in any platoon operation. The squad trains to fight as a squad. These could include maneuvering through dense terrain (jungle), close terrain (hills, mountains, etc…), or during limited visibility. This may include calling in a MEDEVAC, a call for fire, or an obstacle report. Communicate – There are two aspects to communication. These include the old standards such as the low crawl, high crawl, 3-5 second rush, etc… . Mekong First Light: An Infantry Platoon Leader in Vietnam - Kindle edition by Callaway Jr, Joseph W.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Grenadier – A Specialist 4 will serve as the fire team’s grenadier. Captain Richard Masson is with Director Land Force Development. The platoon expert on squad and platoon tactics. The rank of the rifleman is a Private First Class. A Platoon Sergeant is almost always the most experienced Soldier in the platoon. These include: Platoon Sergeant – The old saying, “Be, Know, Do” is a perfect way to capture the essence of a Platoon Sergeant. He can use his forward squads as a base of fire and then maneuver his rear squad where it is needed. As the diagram highlights, the basic light infantry platoon is composed of three rifle squads, a weapons squad and a headquarters element. There are numerous skills that the infantryman must be proficient in. Most affected by Army 2020 changes, the Light Role Infantry battalions are restructuring to reduce their regular manpower, and integrate reserve contributions to make up for part of the loss. Each section is in the hip pocket of the Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant respectively. These six are: Column, Line (with the rifle squads on line), Line (with the rifle squads in column), Vee, Wedge, and File. Automatic Rifleman – The senior Specialist 4 will serve as the automatic rifleman. Platoon Leader – An initially, relatively inexperienced Second Lieutenant will lead the platoon. This is an excellent combination and enables the platoon as a whole to clearly hold their own (and more) against the types of units they will face. For others, this could be simply hand and arm signals. Why is the column a good basic formation for the squad? The automatic rifleman will carry an M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon). This is the platoon’s principle formation. From the individual Soldier to the fire team to the squad to the platoon – each can maneuver as their own element or as part of a larger formation. To achieve this, they have three Soldiers assigned to the unit. This fire power could be the difference for the platoon at the decisive point of an operation. d. GSR, IPW, and CI Teams. The Army is developing the capability to supplement its existing medium-weight force, with a purpose-built Light Force that can more rapidly generate an all-arms force optimized to operate in complex environments not suited for medium weight operations. The Vee does have some weaknesses. The logistician of the platoon. Tighter control may be necessary in several environments. When a hill must be taken, you can be sure any Team Leader worth his salt is leading the way. 3× Rifle Platoons (1 Officer and 38-39 Enlisted each)* Section A → BFV-1 (Platoon Leader) — M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The current Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) represents the foundation upon which the Canadian Army will build a Light Forces (Lt Forces) capability.