Education Details: The National League for Nursing (NLN) has developed an admissions examination for potential nursing students who are applying to nursing schools nationwide called the Pre-Admission Examination – Registered Nursing - better known as the PAX-RN Exam. NLN Pre-Admission Examination (PAX) for Registered Nursing (RN) and Practical/Vocational Nursing (PN/VN or LPN/LVN) Test Preparation Study Guide PAX-RN is a standardized entrance exam for students who seek admittance into nursing schools nationwide.It is administered by the National League Of … Candidates have 60 minutes to complete each individual section. Pass the NLN PAX NLN PAX Exam Study Guide and Practice Tests Complete Study Guide including hundreds of pages of Tutorials and Test Preparation, Self-Assessments, 2 sets of practice test questions, Complete guide to multiple choice strategy, Complete guide to taking a test, and Sample NLN PAX Questions for Reading Comprehension, Math, Natural Science, Spelling, Non-verbal, Vocabulary, … The exam is created by the National League of Nursing but is actually administered independently by each nursing school. The NLN PAX-RN contains 160 questions total: 60 verbal, 40 math, and 60 science, with 40 minutes allotted to each section. As part of the application process, you will likely be asked to make an appointment to come to the school and take the exam. The NLN recommends purchasing a study guide in order to prepare for this exam. For this reason, it can be difficult to know how to study for the exam. Prepare for the NLN PAX exam. Study Guide Information for NLN Exams. There is no official study guide offered by the National League of Nursing for any type of NLN Exam. The questions on the NLN PAX exam break down into verbal skills, math and science sections. One of the most-used standardized tests for nursing programs, many schools across the United States use the PAX scores as a tool to determine admission. Some of the questions on this exam will not be graded, as they are simply used to … Choose from 500 different sets of nln pax flashcards on Quizlet. Learn nln pax with free interactive flashcards. Like many standardized tests, the NLN PAX tests candidates on topics from a variety of subjects. NLN PAX: Verbal, Science & Math Prep (2021) - TestPrep-Online. The NLN PAX exam consists of about 215 multiple choice questions. PAX study strategies, Content-specific review guide, Practice questions for Science Skills PAX Prep Math Exam $15.00 Program: PAX Prep Official NLN Online Publication provides 60 days access to: PAX study strategies, Content-specific review guide, Practice questions for Math Skills PAX Prep Bonus Verbal Exam $10.00 Program: PAX Prep Preparing for the NLN PAX. The NLN offers a series of official study guides (by subject area) and practice exams to help nursing school applicants prepare for the exam; see their FAQ for more details (PDF). Students who have successfully completed the Pharmacology and Nutrition NLN Examinations indicated that the questions included on the Examinations are similar to those on the NCLEX Examination. This examination measures students' academic aptitude in the areas of verbal ability, mathematics and science. NLN PAX Exam Guide The NLN PAX consists of 80 verbal ability questions (60 scored), 54 mathematics questions (40 scored), and 80 science questions (60 scored) in three separate sections. NLN Exam Information All students who wish to be screened for the following programs are required to take the National League for Nursing PAX Examination. The National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Examination (NLN PAX) for registered nursing programs "PAX-RN" is a 3-hour standardized entrance exam for potential nursing students who seek admittance into nursing schools nationwide. nln entrance exam practice test If your goal is to receive a nursing degree, the National League for Nursing (NLN) Pre-Admission Examination (PAX) may be required for admission into a desired program.