Your non-automatic pistols now do +10% damage. It affects the number of Action Points in V.A.T.S. Total duration: 1849 days. that1nguyen2 10 years ago #1. Modifies: Action Points available for V.A.T.S., and the Small Guns and Sneak skills. You can help. Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage. melee distance is increased even more, and the farther the Blitz distance, the greater the damage. 2. Do 25% more damage to your second V.A.T.S. Fallout: New Vegas; Agility at 10 with Rapid Reload? Action PointsYour ability to Sneak. Agility determines the number of action points available for use in V.A.T.S. Fallout 4 - 11/10/2015. to perform deadly shots in heads is crucial, so you have to invest extra points in AG. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Your non-automatic pistols now do +15% damage. As with other Fallout 76 SPECIAL attributes, Agility has a maximum base stat of 15. While on quests, Agility also increases how fast (how many times) a dweller attacks/ fires their weapon per round. Get your Agility to 10, equip an item that'll buff your Agility beyond 10, and use the console command "player.getav agility" to see what I mean. At night your silenced weapons do an additional 50% sneak attack damage. Duration refreshes with kills. Agility is more of a mixed bag in New Vegas than it was in Fallout 3. (No Power Armor), Gain +30 Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting. Sawyer's Fallout RPG primary statistics. As far as I know, agility doesn't effect running speed even though it says as much in game. Gain +8% (max 48%) damage for 30s per kill. Expert FPS players may wish to forgo the use of V.A.T.S., but you should be familiar with V.A.T.S. Fallout Tactics swaps targets on kill with +10%, 20%, then 30% damage to your next 3 targets. Your silenced weapons now do 50% more sneak attack damage. related traits Agility is a measure of your overall finesse and reflexes. At night your silenced weapons do an additional 25% sneak attack damage. You are 50% harder to detect while sneaking. The wastelander player character always begins the game with Agility. Using V.A.T.S. Action Boy/Action Girl, Light Step, Light Touch, Rapid Reload, Silent Running, Slayer, Sniper, Quick Draw Non-automatic pistols now do 40% more damage and have increased range. Especially considering Fallout 5 hasn’t even been teased yet. Agility Fallout New Vegas PS3 So I Doing some player.modav settings earlier, because when I used agility as a stat dump, I thought I was reloading and drawing out weapons much slower. 01 Aug 2020, 9:01PM | Action by: BrainBoxLtd. Really! Agility determines the number of Action Points available for use in V.A.T.S. Contrary to Agility's description in-game, and what the, If the player character's Agility stat is the most extreme (highest or lowest), Doc Mitchell will either say "Most patients don't get out of bed after being shot and then move like they was in perfect control. Your melee sneak attacks do 2.6x normal damage. Food and drink weights are reduced by 90%. and your ability to sneak. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. In V.A.T.S. The Dead Money DLC is Needed for this glitch as is the Return Outfit Item holotape. Gain excellent Pistol hip fire accuracy and a +4% chance to cripple a limb. Each point of Agility yields 10 additional action points: Each point adds 1% directly to the pickpocketing chance. (Plans required), You can craft and disarm advanced traps and craft advanced turrets. Action Boy/Action Girl, Better Criticals, Bonus HtH Damage, Bonus Move, Bonus Ranged Damage, Bonus Rate of Fire, Dodger, Healer, Quick Pockets, Silent Death, Silent Running, Slayer, Sniper Action Points available for V.A.T.S., Small Guns, Sneak By exploiting this bug, I found that reloading took around 30 milliseconds but noticed no other major differences. Fallout New Vegas Commands Armors Companions Weapons Perks Traits Skill Books Snow Globes Skills Factions ConsoleCommands. Your silenced weapons do an additional 15% sneak attack damage. Agility bobblehead is a Fallout 4 Bobbleheads. No, and agility does barely anything. You're unusual, I'll say that." 1. modifies Coordination and the ability to move well. Modifies: Action Points, ability to sneak. At an Agility of 15, the maximum AP available is 245. Agility is a sneaky devil. Action point allocation is based on the AG stat. In combat, there's no time to hesitate. This page was last edited on 13 July 2019, at 12:50. +1 Agility Wreck of the FMS Northern Star: Precariously perched on a ledge protruding from the ship's bow. You are 20% harder to detect while sneaking. Each AGI point adds +1 Damage and Energy Resist (Max 15). Action Points, Armor Class, Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, Throwing, Lockpick, Steal, Traps. Issues with the agility glitch - posted in New Vegas Technical Support: I have done the so called "agility glitch" on the Dead Money addon, which grants you infinite agility points. Fallout New Vegas Commands . Sprint 20% faster at increased AP cost when your health is below 50%. Fallout 3 Agility is one of the seven primary statistics in the SPECIAL system. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Combat and thief characters should have a higher Agility than diplomatic or magical characters. Non-automatic pistols now do 80% more damage and their attacks can disarm opponents. Their attacks have a much better chance to disarm opponents, and may even cripple a limb. It is a critical stat for anyone interested in the more mobile and visceral skills such as unarmed and small guns. Non-automatic pistols now do double damage. (No Power Armor), Your automatic pistols now do +10% damage, Your automatic pistols now do +15% damage, Your automatic pistols now do +20% damage. (Plans required). Your non-automatic pistols now do +20% damage. V.A.T.S. Coordination and the ability to move well. Action point allocation is based on the AG stat. Gunslinger, Commando, Sneak, Mister Sandman, Action Boy/Action Girl, Ninja, Gun Fu. related traits related perks Duration refreshes with kills. Duration refreshes with kills. Agility is the stat that influences sneak and maximum Action Points (AP), which is consumed while using V.A.T.S., sprint, power attacks or the Dodgy perk. In V.A.T.S. Your running speed is increased by 10% when you have a pistol equipped, Your running speed is increased by 20% when you have a pistol equipped, You can craft and disarm better traps and craft better turrets. (No Power Armor), Each AGI point adds +3 Damage and Energy Resist (Max 45). and your ability to sneak. Quick Draw is 5 Agility. Duration refreshes with kills. The Agility Bobblehead is found Near Chance’s Grave – near a Fiend camp where Chance slaughtered them all. You are now 40% harder to detect while sneaking, and no longer trigger enemy mines. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. They can't hurt what they can't hit! My character reloads pretty quickly normally and I just got the Rapid Reload perk but I don't notice any difference in reloading speeds, using single shotgun and varmint rifle, haven't tried using the … ***** Fallout New Vegas Bobblehead Locations ***** 1. swaps targets on kill with +10% then 20% damage to your next 2 targets. (No Power Armor). (No Power Armor), Gain +45 Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting. You are 75% harder to detect while sneaking. mechanics before you decide to do this, because V.A.T.S. Rigorous combat training means automatic weapons do 20% more damage. You are now 50% harder to detect while sneaking, and running no longer adversely affects stealth. Modifies: Action Points available for V.A.T.S., draw and holster speed, reload speed, and the Guns and Sneak skills. This statistic is a combination of the character’s reflexes, balance, and coordination. related traits Your armor breaks 20% more slowly and is cheaper to repair. (Plans required), You can craft and disarm expert traps and craft expert turrets. The holster/reload time is modified in percentage by 10*(1+Agility)% from 100% base value. Your shotguns gain a 5% stagger chance and a 10% chance to cripple a limb. related perks You are 25% harder to detect while sneaking. Therefore, a character that wishes to keep his enemy on its toes, or claws, needs to have a high Agility in order to have multiple combat moves. Agility is one of the seven Primary Statistics in the SPECIAL system. Agility can be raised in Fallout 2 with the Monument Chunk and psycho, both of which give a temporary +3. Channel the spirit of the old west! Simple NVSE script to change the speedmult value based on the player's agility. Agility below 5 makes reloading slower. It is an implant named Reflex Booster. Base AP is determined by 65 + (Agility * 3) and the reload time is modified in percentage by +10 (5 - Agility)%. A high Agility is important for any active character. It's always bothered me that New Vegas's manual claims agility affects your movement speed when it actually doesn't, so I sought to rectify that. Action Points, Armor Class, Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, Throwing, Lockpick, Steal, Traps, Sneak The percentage modifier for reduction of reload speed is determined by 10(Agility-5), as a multiplier, 0.1(5-Agility)+1 ; Agility below 5 will amplify a weapon's base reloading rate. Agility. Unlike other games, Agility is not treated as a variable ranging from 1 to 10, but instead as a token that can be obtained at the start or when leveling up. I added the two quotes Doc Mitchell gives you for having 10 or 1 Agility in the notes section. Food and drink weights are reduced by 60%. you instantly do a Critical Hit against your fourth target and beyond. Your melee sneak attacks do 3x normal damage. Non-automatic pistols do 20% more damage. swaps targets on kill with +10% damage to your next target. Fallout NV Agility Bobblehead Location Maybe 5 Strength, 4 Perception, 5 Endurance, 2 Charisma, 6 intelligence, 9 Agility, 9 Luck, this is assuming you'll be aiming with VATS for the high agility. [1], This section is needed but has not been written yet. Action Points available in V.A.T.S., Guns, Sneak, Drawing/Holstering speeds, Reload Speeds (base AP determined by 65 + (Agility x3), and can be … Luck will let you crit like crazy. And that's just what I'm giving them here, because in Fallout NV, you can use the bonus stats from items and perk effects to go beyond the cap of 10. related perks V.A.T.S. As an agent of death, you can instantly kill a sleeping person. Agility determines the number of action points available for use in V.A.T.S. (base AP determined by 65 + Agility*2, and can be raised by perks and some items). Agility. It is identical in appearance to leather armor. Trained as a shadow warrior, your ranged sneak attack do 2.5x normal damage and your melee attacks do 4x normal damage. 18 357 rounds x.13; 1 viva las vegas outfit x.1; Lucky Revolver (Worldspace Lucky is left alone) 1 star bottle cap; Ace of D/C/H/S Lucky 38; 2- Luck. All perks and traits should complement your style increasing the damage, range, critical hits, and a number of action points. Gain +9% (max 54%) damage for 30s per kill. User Info: that1nguyen2. (No Power Armor), Sprinting consumes 30% fewer Action Points. Don’t forget to sneak as hostiles can slay you from ambush easily. Fallout New Vegas. Agility affects your reload speed. Action Boy/Action Girl, Gun Nut, Light Step, Silent Running, Sniper, Thief, Nerves of Steel Barter. Action Points regenerate 25% faster. --CptMuddles 17:16, January 3, 2011 (UTC) Agility does not affect run speed You should think about doing some rehab." It governs how many Action Points you have for VATs, the Guns and Sneak skills, but also how fast it takes for you to draw, holster, and reload your weapon. (No Power Armor). Agility is the stat that influences sneak and maximum Action Points (AP), which is consumed while using V.A.T.S., sprint, power attacks or the Dodgy perk. During any Agility test, Calmex can be used to gain one free hit. 5 Small Frame Small Frame: Gain 1 Agility at the cost of 25% increased limb damage. V.A.T.S. Gifted, Small Frame videogame_asset My games. Action Points in Fallout 4 function mechanically identically to those in Fallout 3 and New Vegas; however, Agility is multiplied by 10 instead of 2 or 3 to calculate how many you have. As with other Fallout 76 SPECIAL attributes, Agility has a maximum base stat of 15. While sneaking, you never trigger mines or floor-based traps. Gifted, Small Frame, EMP Shielding. Gain +15 Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting. Your automatic weapons now do double damage and have a greater chance to stagger opponents. How can a set of Medium armor outclass the best suit of power armor in Fallout New Vegas?